To assist a homeowner in saving money on their water bills, it is critical to understand how to detect water leaks in a home as soon as they occur. Whether it's a leak in the kitchen or bathroom, or a leak in the main water line, understanding how to detect a leak will save you gallon after gallon of water.
If no repairs are done, a faucet that looks to have only a little drip might waste more than 1,000 gallons of water over the course of a year. Rather of allowing this to happen, contacting a plumber for an examination and repairs might be extremely helpful financially in the long run.
Water Meters
The water meter in the home is an effective technique to assess whether or not there is a leak. If a leak is present, it can be determined by looking at the meter and noting the current figures. If you notice the starting number increase 15-30 minutes later despite being shut off during that period, you have a leak.
If the increase is minor, the leak could be as easy as a dripping faucet or a toilet that won't shut off. If the increase is significant over a short amount of time, the problem could be in the home's cooling system or main water line.
Cooling Systems
A sophisticated cooling system in a home might potentially be the source of a water leak. If water is constantly detected near a furnace or around basement ducting, the problem could be a damaged refill valve that allows water to leak out of the cooling system and onto the floors or walls.
If the problem is a leak in the cooling system, a plumber will need to inspect the system to see if it can be repaired or needs to be replaced.
Dripping Faucets
A leaky faucet, whether in the kitchen, bathroom, basement, or garage, is one of the quickest ways to increase your water cost. Because a leaky faucet can waste over 1,000 gallons of water per year if left to drip, repairing it should be a top priority.
Do you need someone to handle your insurance claim for a leak in your home? Call All Service Adjuster right now!